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Lean Into Autonomous Incident Response With Endpoint Reactions

Automatically disrupt attacks and rapidly remediate endpoints

Module Deep Dive

In today’s digital landscape, swift and effective incident response is crucial for maintaining resiliency. Tanium’s Endpoint Reactions evolves the status quo by providing real-time, automated responses precisely tailored to specific threats relevant to your organization. This feature streamlines and accelerates security operations, offering security teams a glimpse into the future of autonomous endpoint management.

Real-Time Attack Disruption and Remediation

Endpoint Reactions enhance Tanium’s incident response capabilities by delivering real-time, automated responses tailored to specific security incidents. When a threat is discovered based on a Tanium Signal, IOC (Indicator of Compromise), or YARA rule, Tanium Threat Response accelerates threat mitigation and remediation by automatically executing various actions for security teams, including:

  • Quarantining the affected endpoint: Isolating compromised systems to prevent the spread of malicious activity across the network
  • Terminating harmful processes: Safely killing malicious processes while ensuring that vital system-critical signed binaries remain unaffected, thereby preserving the stability of essential operations
  • Deleting attack-related or dangerous files: Removing malicious files to eliminate threats and restore the security of the affected systems

By immediately disrupting malicious activities and preventing their spread, Tanium’s automated solutions ensure a swift return to normal operations while minimizing potential damage. Automating these responses not only enhances the speed and precision of incident handling but also significantly reduces the attackers’ window of opportunity. Once the threat has been mitigated, security teams can continue investigations, collect forensic evidence, and fully remediate the issue.

Flexible Integration of Threat Intelligence

Effective threat intelligence is crucial for robust cybersecurity, providing critical insights into potential threats and enabling proactive defenses. Tanium’s Threat Response is designed with flexibility at its core, allowing seamless integration of diverse threat data sources to enhance detection and response capabilities. By supporting open standards like STIX and TAXII, as well as proprietary formats, Tanium ensures that organizations can utilize a broad spectrum of intelligence feeds tailored to their specific needs.

This adaptable approach means security teams can easily import and manage threat data, enriching their detection mechanisms with the most relevant and up-to-date information. Tanium’s ability to correlate and analyze multiple intel feeds provides a comprehensive view of the threat landscape, empowering organizations to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

Independent and Decentralized Security Measures

A key advantage of Endpoint Reactions is its ability to operate independently of the central Tanium Server. This ensures that even if an endpoint is offline or disconnected, the predefined reactions will execute as soon as a threat is detected. This feature guarantees continuous protection regardless of the endpoint’s network status, demonstrating Tanium’s commitment to robust, uninterrupted security and paving the way for advanced autonomous endpoint security.

Protecting Critical System Processes

Safeguards are essential measures designed to protect systems and data from unintended consequences, ensuring the stability and integrity of critical operations. In the context of incident response and threat investigation, safeguards play a pivotal role in preventing unnecessary disruptions while addressing security threats.

A crucial safeguard within Endpoint Reactions is the default protection against inadvertently terminating critical processes. For Windows and Mac endpoints, Tanium ensures that reactions do not terminate processes signed by trusted sources such as Microsoft or Apple unless explicitly authorized. This measure is vital for maintaining system stability and preventing the unintended consequences of overly broad security actions.

Audit and Active Modes for Controlled Deployment

To further enhance the safety and accuracy of response actions, Threat Response initially links all new Endpoint Reactions in Audit Mode. This mode allows organizations to test and review reactions, ensuring they perform as expected without making changes to the endpoint. Any actions that would have been taken are reported back to the console as audit-only for review and validation.

Once verified, the reactions can be switched to Active Mode, where they will execute automatically upon threat detection. This ensures that all automated responses are both safe and effective, reinforcing the reliability of the security infrastructure.

A Day in the Life of an Incident Responder

Endpoint Reactions not only streamline security operations but also provide a glimpse into the future of autonomous endpoint management. Let us delve into a day in the life of a Security Operations Center (SOC), illustrating how this innovative technology enhances incident response effectiveness and operational efficiency throughout the day.

The SOC team starts their day by reviewing alerts, analyzing potential threats, and responding to incidents. An alert from Tanium indicates a potential threat detected by a YARA rule. Within seconds, Endpoint Reactions springs into action. The affected endpoint is automatically quarantined, the malicious process terminated, and the attack-related files deleted—all before the SOC team has a chance to investigate the alert fully. This immediate action is critical in preventing the threat’s spread, providing a first line of defense that is efficient and effective.

As the SOC team analyzes the morning’s incident, they realize that the now online endpoint was offline when the threat was initially detected. Thanks to the decentralized nature of Endpoint Reactions, the automated response occurred seamlessly, ensuring the endpoint was protected despite its offline status. This highlights the reliability and resilience of Endpoint Reactions in maintaining security without reliance on constant network connectivity.

The SOC team creates a new Tanium Signal for a specific PowerShell attack they have recently learned about. The Signal is set to only target PowerShell binaries with specific file and network activity, and an Endpoint Reaction to terminate the process is initiated to disrupt the threat. They leave the Endpoint Reaction in Audit Mode to validate it works as expected.

A new alert is triggered by this recently deployed PowerShell Signal that shows attack-related activity. Still in Audit Mode, Endpoint Reaction reports back that it would have terminated only the malicious PowerShell process, leaving other legitimate processes intact. This precise targeting is crucial in environments where indiscriminate blocking could disrupt critical operations. The team reviews the Audit Mode logs to ensure the automated reactions performed as expected, launches an on-demand scan to ensure there are no additional malicious processes active, and then confidently switches the reaction to Active Mode to immediately begin disrupting future attacks.

With the day’s incidents under control and minimal manual intervention required, the SOC team reflects on the efficiency and effectiveness of their response. The automated actions provided by Endpoint Reactions not only disrupted attacks in real time but also allowed the team to focus on more strategic tasks, enhancing their overall security posture. The team’s confidence in the new feature grows, seeing firsthand how it improves their operational efficiency and response capabilities.


Tanium’s approach to incident response is not just about automation; it’s about precision and adaptability. By tailoring responses to the specifics of each detected threat, Tanium ensures that every action taken is both appropriate and effective. Endpoint Reactions evolves the way organizations respond to and recover from security incidents. By automating critical response actions and tailoring them to the unique characteristics of each threat, Tanium empowers security teams to act swiftly and decisively. This not only mitigates the immediate risk but also enhances the overall resilience of the organization against future threats.

In a world where cyber threats are constantly evolving, Tanium’s Endpoint Reactions provides the robust, intelligent defense mechanisms that modern organizations need to stay secure and resilient.

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